• Performance Critique: January 8a

    Updated: 2012-01-25 13:06:22
    Hosting the Sunday writer’s mic www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9bJViPByao 0m33s Kiss on the mouth line doesn’t work 1m45s New part got laughs 2m45s Don’t stutter 3m33s Smile during these lines 3m42s Reword the mom line 3m49s And remember my jokes 5m14s Sound happier 7m05s Rework/tighten the Doctor Rosenfeld joke Overall: Decent for a mic

  • How To Be A Famous Comedian | Interview with Louis CK

    Updated: 2011-12-15 10:45:07
    Tweet Louis C.K. has been called the greatest comedian alive, by GQ Magazine. Louis is definitely at the top of his game. A lot of comedians out there and other students of comedy can learn a great lesson from listening to Louis in this rare 45-minute long interview on NPR. Keep in mind as you . . . → Read More: How To Be A Famous Comedian | Interview with Louis CK

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